Tuesday 8 November 2011


Nature can be said to mean the universe and the laws which guide them. This was acknowledged by human when they define it in oxford dictionary of English as “the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people”. God is the creator of nature as corroborated by His word in Psalm 24 and nature is expected to bow to its creator. God is a beautiful God and everything He created in nature are beautiful things; they include all the plants, animals, seas and ocean, mountain and valleys, land and depths, sky,  the rainfall, hamattan and cold which were all strategically laid out by God by the benefit of mankind Gen. 182.
          The plants and animals are meant for man’s food and other usage. The plants (trees) confer protection on soil to prevent erosion. (2) serve as the source of oxygen for human use; they inhale co2 and exhale o2 while human inhale o2 and exhale co2.
(3) plants served as mini breaker. (4) Animals serve as object of experiment both in labs and pharmaceutical outfits
(5) Their flush (leather) for shoe, bags making.
(6) They are good as pets.
(7) Both plants and animals are good source of medicine for healing of aliment(s) in man.

(i)                The earth serves as solid crust to all human on which we build our shelter
(ii)             Serves as a host to several minerals such as gold, diamond, silver, tin, steel, columbite, coal and crude oil which has turned around the fortune of men having discovered and exploit them.
 2  (a)     Gold, diamond and silver etc for human beautification and embellishment.
(b)             They are turned into onject for beautification in homes and various places.
(c)              Thin, columbite, steel, irons are now manufactured into very strong small logs for building purposes.

(d)             They serves as electric poles for connection of electricity from one town / state to the other
(e)              They are turned to wires (copper line) for transferring / transmitting current) electric current) from one town/state to the other which is serving as a source of energy and point of comfort to man.
(f)               Crude oil when refined is used as premium spirit to run our cars.
(g)              Other products of crude oil such as asphalt for road construction which serve as a mean of transportation, petroleum jelly for making of creams and perfumes.

Are useful for air transport.(2) The sky pays host to lots of  constellations such as Moon, Stars, sun, Jupiter which men has started exploring, the resources embedded there are coming out with the fact that other planet are habitatable. (3) The sea is filled with animals and fishes for human consumption and other purposes. It’s amazing to note with keen interest what God has done in nature. The list is endless.

1. Man has to appreciate their maker and the creator of nature
2. Serve Him faithfully in order to enjoy nature the more.
3. Men ought to make more on nature because there are still billion of things yet to be discovered.


The word intellectuality is a colloquialism and can also mean intellectualism which is someone’s ability to think or reason logically and understand things. Creativity which is the mother of productivity has been tied to intellectual engagement or the ability to engage your mind in logical reasoning/thinking. Before any thing is birthed in life, it’s first of all conceived in the confine of your heart and received in your imagination.
When it comes to you, it comes as an idea which is to be allowed to be nurtured. Nurturing an idea is pondering over it; its achievability and the ways to go about it. If it stays in the confine of your mind for a long time without doing anything about it even when conditions for its achievability present themselves favorably, it dies.
       Any achievement in the fields of science, technology, medicine, economy etc obtained in our world from the ancient time till today has been linked to idea(s), it’s not just an idea(s) but a well cultivated, nurtured and translated ones into reality, visibility for usability of mankind. Mark these words from me, “It is not enough to dream but to fulfill is the key thing in life”. “Whatever you can conceive, believe, confess, pursue, you can achieve”. Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb did not stop on the first step of dreaming, he transversed all the steps and even have to repeat its experiment time and times again.
       God, the creator of all things conceived in his heart an idea to send Jesus (His only begotten son) to the world for the salvation of mankind from sin and satanic oppression, He didn’t stop at the level of conception of the idea/dream but released His only son to come and die for the remission of our sins.
       To be an intellectual giant you must be objective i.e think straight and logically without allowing anything either pain or gain blur your judgment.
(2) Open yourself to new information; information is the building block of knowledge and knowledge is power of; the more you know the more your “ledge” (organized you are), the more of God you know, the more of Him you enjoy, the more of principle of nature you know and obey, the more of nature’s untapped resources you tap.
A lot of benefits are embedded in intellectual pursuit e.g riding high in life, (2) Earning life’s sustenance trough what you know (3) enjoying God, (4) Becoming a blessing not a burden to your world. (5) Nation’s building
Recommendation: literary debate, essay writing, positive thinking must be allowed in our schools and ivory towers, objective in law making in both local and national assembles.


God is the author of science, since science is the knowledge/study of structure and behaviour of nature i.e the natural / physical world and nature is the handiwork of God. God is the first and best ever scientist in that He created man perfectly fixing every unit together from the cell to tissue , tissue to organ, organ to system and everything is fussed into a single working unit. The blood in man that gives him life is the carrier of oxygen that serves as major energy ingredient for generation of energy in man for the optimal performance of several multichotomy units that fuse into one.
Man is just discovering what God has put in place. However, it’s good and laudable to appreciate the efforts of mankind in embroyology, ophthalmology, general medicine, medical science, neurosurgery, heamaatology, clinical chemistry just to mention a few that tend to explore how each cell,tissue, organ and system function and what to do to correct any abnormally that befall these units.
          The evolution of science in medicine has led to safety of many lives who would have died untimely e.g discovery of blood and blood products eg platelets (given to people with familial platelets abnormality or blood cell disease), plasma for people who experience burns etc and sarum. It is not worthy to say that medical science has helped in the diagnosis of diseases that were formerly threat to people’s life. (2) Discovery of drugs/remedies from plants and animals and later from chemical have helped save life.
Many people would have died of hunger without the discovery of high yielding plants through agricultural practices like cross breeding discovery of organic fertilizers of mechanization. Science without technology is incomplete and technology without science is incomplete vice-versa.
 I quickly submit that technology is the vehicle that science drives in to achieve its aim. Technology also prey/tap from nature converting what is found in nature such as minerals/materials tools of significant. Technology developments include: discovery/production of space car/aeroplane that lessen the burden of prolong journey if it were land or sea. (2) It also add pleasure and comfort to travelling.
(2i) Discovery of cargo/ big sea vessel lessen the burden of carriage of big goods from one country to the other.

(ii) It aids international trades e.g exportation of electronic from Japan/China to Africa and Cocoa from Africa to other part of the world.
What of rail transport to mention but a few.

Physics discovers some laws that are beneficial to man e.g laws of gravity that says “whatever goes up most come down” Man out of deep thinking reverse this law and tagged it “the escape velocity”. Without the discovery of law of gravity there can’t be escape velocity. What of the floating principles dynamics that allows large useful to stay on oceans without sinking.

Let all human beings arm the world acknowledge God the author of science, medicine and technology Ps 100 vs1
(2) Science and Technology must be priotize for meaningful development in the countries of the world.
(3) It must be adequately funded not on paper for its thrift since it forms the bedrock for meaningful development even social-economically and other wise.
(4) Science subjects must be introduced right from nursery/primary school to university
(5) Teachers of sciences must upgrade their knowledge of the subjects from time to time